***Note from editor: This post contains a keyboard layout without copyright permission.*** In this tutorial, we will be discussing medical problems that can cause a person to lose the ability to speak. This includes medical problems such as aphasia and apraxia, as well as other medical conditions that could lead to speech difficulties. These problems can sometimes be resolved with treatment or by other means, but other times they are permanent and also life-changing. In this tutorial, we will go over what these particular illnesses are caused by, how they affect the sufferer’s abilities of communication and expression of ideas, and what treatments can be used for them. In addition, we will also be discussing the impact that this illness has on the patient’s family and friends. We will start off by explaining what aphasia is. It is an acquired language disorder in which people lose the ability to understand or use words after they have suffered some sort of brain injury. People with this illness are unable to communicate with others verbally, especially in social settings where they need to use complex sentences in order to do so. A person with aphasia may be able to comprehend what others say but not able to respond vocally due to their condition, they may freeze up in response, or they may respond out of context or inappropriately due to the disorder’s symptoms. Aphasia is usually accompanied by other conditions that can affect speech, such as apraxia, which is more commonly known as “apraxia of speech,” or dysarthria, which is also known as “dysarthria.” Aphasia can sometimes be temporary, but it can also be permanent. With proper treatment for this illness however, most people are able to regain some of their lost abilities with time. Aphasia has many different causes, but generally the two most common are strokes and infections of the brain. It is not very uncommon for people to have an underlying condition that may cause secondary brain damage which could result in aphasia years later on. Aphasia is a common disorder that can occur in several different forms. Word retrieval, such as searching for the correct words to use when answering a question, is one of the main symptoms of aphasia. Although people with this disease may know what they want to say but cannot get it out correctly due to their illness, they could also freeze up or stutter while trying to communicate a thought. Aphasia sufferers will usually need help from others in order to express what they intend to say. In this condition, the person has difficulty finding the correct words while speaking, and therefore talk in shorter sentences or phrases that do not follow any particular structure. This symptom can be mistaken for aphasia, which is why it is also known as “word-finding.” Aphasia can be caused by many different things such as brain damage due to a stroke, traumatic brain injury, and infection of the brain. Strokes would be one of the most common causes of aphasia and can result in language difficulties limited to only one side of the body or to both sides. Another reason for limited speech ability could be due to degeneration due to common aging or Alzheimer’s disease. 8eeb4e9f32 38
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